Day in the Life in Police Custody Suites

What is it like to provide healthcare in police custody?

Mihaela Trepadus is a Healthcare Professional in Police custody suites.

"I’ve been working in police custody as a Healthcare Professional (HCP) for about nine months now. My previous experiences as a nurse were always in hospital settings and this role has been quite a change for me. It is in my opinion the best decision I could have ever made. I have never looked back! I love waking up in the morning and already knowing what shifts I will be doing up to Christmas and beyond...that is a brilliant start.

Custody is a very dynamic and lively environment. It is unpredictable and no day is the same. A day could start with a nice cup of tea and catch up, or straight into reviewing a detainee.

How could the day continue? You could review someone for withdrawal, attend the hospital for blood procedures or see a juvenile with safeguarding concerns. You could be caring for someone with complex medical needs and advising the police that custody is not an appropriate environment as it could be detrimental to their health. You could also manage someone’s long-term medical conditions or need to respond to a medical emergency that puts to use your immediate list support training.

Another important element of my job is mental health, recognising someone is in crisis and calling the appropriate services and the pre-release risk assessments after a serious offence. The patient remains the focus of our work and we are their advocates, especially when they are vulnerable.

There is also the amazing forensic side including the body mapping of injuries (and treating them of course), forensic swabs and toxicology bloods. This is just your average day in custody and it flies by before you know it.

Despite being the only healthcare professional on-site, I never feel alone. I know that the care coordinators or doctors are one phone call away and they always support you. There is no such thing as a silly question, as they always say to me when I call. Working independently with plenty of support? The best of both worlds, plus I love all the training provided. There is never a dull moment and always something new to learn."

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“Custody is a very dynamic and lively environment. It is unpredictable and no day is the same.”

-Mihaela Trepadus

Healthcare Professional in Police Custody





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