Mountain Healthcare is now an official member of the Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA)
21 August 2024
We are proud to announce that Mountain Healthcare is now officially a member of the Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA), a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to promoting mental health and well-being within our organisation.
The Zero Suicide Alliance in collaboration with NHS trusts, businesses, and other organisations work together to eliminate suicide. They provide free resources, including training programs and educational materials, to help individuals and organisations better understand, identify, and respond to those at risk of suicide.
As an organisation, we understand that our employees are our greatest asset, and their well-being is important. This is why we are determined to continuously invest in creating a supportive environment, where mental health is openly discussed, and help is readily available. As proof of our commitment, in addition to the current mental health initiatives provided to our employees, we are glad to be an official member of the ZSA.
Joining this organisation will provide and equip us with the tools and knowledge needed to continue to promote mental health within our organisation and beyond, as our goal is to ensure that every individual within our company feels valued, supported, and empowered to seek help when needed.