Empowering Survivors and the Public through Knowledge and Support on International Day of Education #SARCsEducate

23 January 2024

International Day of Education is a chance to remember that Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility.


To mark the International Day of Education, Our SARCs are using the hashtag #SARCsEducate on social media to empower sexual assault survivors and the public through knowledge and support (Q&A). Educating and creating more awareness of SARC and the services we offer.

Have you got any questions regarding our SARCs, and the services offered? Tell our team

Our SARCs offer free, confidential and compassionate support to anyone who has experienced any form of sexual assault including rape.

If you or someone you know has experienced any form of sexual assault, we can help (0330 223 0099) 24/7/356.